Interview|Takumi Suzuki
As part of the Hariban Award 2022 programme, we interviewed Takumi Suzuki, CEO of Benrido, Inc. In the interview, Suzuki shares insight on the early beginnings of Benrido’s work with photography and contemporary art using the collotype process and his thoughts on the Hariban Award.
Tell us about your first contact with art and photography in particular. Are there any photographs you have seen that have left a particularly strong impression on you?
As the CEO of Benrido, you have the opportunity to see a variety of photographs, what do you consider photography to be?

Benrido, Inc. CEO Takumi Suzuki inside the Collotype Studio at Benrido Kyoto Head Office © Benrido, Inc.
Today, many photographs can be viewed on digital media, but what do you think is the significance of printing photographs using analogue photographic printing techniques such as collotype?
This is the ninth edition of the Hariban Award, why was the initial impetus for creating the competition in 2014 and what were your thoughts at the time?
TS: About 10 years before we started this award, we began to work with creating contemporary art and photographic works in collotype. We wanted more people to know about and experience the collotype process, so we organised a collotype photography exhibition in New York with the help of prominent photographers and published a portfolio. It would have been nice if we could have continued these activities for a long time, but as it is very expensive to go out into the world and produce publications, we were unable to gain an understanding within the company in terms of cost-effectiveness, so things stagnated for a while after that. However, during that time, my desire to make people around the world aware of the appeal of the collotype did not disappear. It was when I took over as CEO that I put more effort into promoting the collotype technique and studio’s work to the rest of the world. Part of this effort was the Hariban Award.The concept is to invite people to come to our studio in Kyoto, rather than sending our works out from here. I thought that the context of making things in Kyoto with artisans would surely be of interest to others both within and outside of Japan. Thanks to this, many people have applied every year, and we are now in our ninth year.

From left: Takumi Suzuki in the collotype studio with printing assistant Ji-won Lee and Master Printer Osamu Yamamoto © Benrido, Inc.
The Hariban Award is open to everyone who has produced black and white photographic works, whether professional or amateur. Can you tell us what this means?
What do you think is the best part of winning the Hariban Award?
Do you have any advice for people thinking of applying for this year’s Hariban Award?
HARIBAN AWARD 2022 便利堂代表 鈴木巧インタビュー
HARIBAN AWARD 2022プログラムの一環として、アワードを主催する株式会社便利堂代表 鈴木巧にインタビューをおこないました。便利堂がコロタイプを通じて現代アートや写真作品に取り組み始めた頃の話しや、HARIBAN AWARDへの想いについて話をききました。

Benrido, Inc. CEO Takumi Suzuki inside the Collotype Studio at Benrido Kyoto Head Office © Benrido, Inc.

Benrido, Inc. CEO Takumi Suzuki at the Benrido Kyoto Head Office standing next to one of the original printing presses used at Benrido Collotype Atelier. © Benrido, Inc.
今回で9回目を迎えるHARIBAN AWARDですが、2014年にこのコンペディションを立ち上げた理由と、当時の想いを教えてください。
HARIBAN AWARDはプロ・アマチュアを問わず、写真作品を制作する全ての人に開かれています。この意味について、お聞かせいただけますか?

Benrido, Inc. CEO Takumi Suzuki inside the Collotype Studio at Benrido Kyoto Head Office © Benrido, Inc.
HARIBAN AWARDの最優秀賞受賞者には、賞としていくつかの権利が与えられますが、一番の魅力は何でしょうか?
今年のHARIBAN AWARDに応募しようと考えている方々へ、何かアドバイスはありますか?