便利堂は1887 年に創業し、コロタイプとして知られる高級美術印刷を長きに渡り継承してきました。今ではコロタイプを実践する工房は希少となりましたが、繊細な多色刷りコロタイプ技術を次世代に繋ぐべく、活動を続けています。
コロタイプは、1855 年にフランスの科学者アルフォンス・ポアテヴァンによって発明された古典印画技法の一つであり、写真製版印刷の方法として発展しました。当時の写真プリントは画像の保存性が低く、次第に退色したり変色してしまうという欠点がありました。それを補うために、顔料を用いるさまざまなプリント方法が考案され、その中で確立された技法の一つがコロタイプです。
Established in 1887, Benrido has specialised in the unique printing technique known as Collotype and today remains as one of only a few studios left in the world capable of making fine colour collotype prints.
Collotype is an alternative printing process that was invented in 1855 by the French engineer Alphonse Poitevin as a method for photographic fine art printing. Photographic prints of the 19th century had poor image preservability, and over time gradually faded and discoloured. To compensate for this, various printing methods using pigments were devised, one of the established techniques among them was collotype.

About Collotype Academy
Hoping to let more people around the world know, learn and practice the collotype printing technique, Benrido Collotype Atelier launched the “Collotype Academy”. The Academy beginner courses to professional classes where experienced instructors will guide you according to the content that suits the interests of The students. At the Collotype Academy, we use a version of the plate called “Collotype Tissue” that has been developed by Benrido and uses a photosensitizer that does less harmful to the environment and the human body. You can experience the fun of collotype with confidence while learning new techniques.